John 16:33
"I’m excited to see what God can do on campus in a crazy season of
everyone’s life."
Matthew 16:24
"I'm excited to be on the servant team this year because I can't wait to experience God in so many ways. Servant team is going to teach me how to be a better leader for my team: to serve others and not be served."
XC Sports Manager
Joel 2:25
"I am looking forward to learn and grown within our FCA Team, so that we can pour out to our peers around us"
Commuter Outreach
"I love FCA because Jesus used this platform to meet me where I was and turn my life back to him.
He used FCA to teach me how to get closer to him and what discipleship was.
I’m so excited for Jesus to use FCA to change others lives like it did me; to meet people where they are and show them the love of Jesus and grow a life and relationship with Him"
"My prayer for FCA this year at Tennessee Wesleyan is that athletes and students would feel the love that their Heavenly Father has for them and that they would truly fall in love with Him. I pray that they would see that there is more to them than their sport and what other people say about them. I pray that they would start to see and believe what their Father says about them."
International Representative
FCA Photographer
2 Corinthians 12:9
"I’m excited to see God move in the hearts of TWU students and turn them back to Him, especially the internationals who never thought that coming here to play a sport would lead to their lives being radically changed. Watching the change in their lives, the genuine, new-found joy on their faces is such a beautiful and encouraging sight."
1 Corinthians 2:9
"The reason why I’m super excited to be part of FCA is because I know that slowly I will be able to share the gospel with the team and I’ll be able to change the lives of many! Also, I am super excited for the family I’ve gained with FCA, and for being able to grow in faith and learn more and more with you all?"
(423) 506-8397